Friday, February 3, 2017

The Prince

Qualities of a Prince:

-He should be feared rather than loved
-He should have the support of his people
-He should hold good virtues or at least appear to
-He should never turn to outside auxiliary or mercenary units, but always rely on his own arms
-He should be intelligent

Personally, I agree that a successful leader should have the support of his people and be intelligent. I believe it is important for a leader to have the support of his people because it is only then that he will be able to assert his power. I think loyalty is important because his people's devotion will allow him to grow as a leader and expand his power. Also, intelligence is important because a leader should be cunning and knowledgeable. The greatest power is the power of knowledge and his people will create a better sense of trust towards him through his intelligence. I do not agree that a successful prince should be feared rather than loved. I personally believe that love for a leader goes a long way. I feel that a leader should be loved rather than feared because he runs less chances of being replaced. If people are content with their leadership, there should not be a reason to want to change in leadership.

A leader that embodies Machiavelli's traits is Donald Trump. He uses fear to assert his power. He also appears to hold good virtues t appeal to the American people.

Personally, I think a successful leader should:

-Lead for a cause
-Speak for the people
-Show honesty and compassion
-Be strong willed/know when to make difficult decisions
-Be intelligent

These are a bit different from Machiavelli's qualities because I focus more on positive elements of a leader. I believe leadership means being able to connect with people thus guiding them through a path. I think it is essential for the leader to connect with his people and have a positive relationship with them through communication and loyalty. Machiavelli's principles are a bit darker and strict in a way.

One leader I believe exemplifies my traits for a successful leader is Michelle Obama. I think Michelle is someone who is true to herself and to her people.Michelle is honest, educated and works for her people. I think these traits have truly made her popular among the masses, has asserted respect and contributed to a legacy she will leave behind.

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